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Chad Price Explains How Your Company Can Encourage Staff Health and Wellness

Employee illness and injuries cost American businesses a massive $225.8 billion in 2019. When you’re running a company, ensuring that your staff is healthy should be a major priority. Chad Price, the CEO and co-founder of MAKO Medical Laboratories, knows the value of supporting the wider team and making wellness a priority. Over the last year and a half, his business has more than doubled in staff size, putting this into keen focus. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of his advice on how to encourage employee wellness.

Offer Health Education Opportunities

One of the biggest challenges that individuals face when it comes to their health is a matter of education. When you’re running a company, offering your staff members educational opportunities could significantly improve their lifestyles. For example, you might want to offer optional workshops to your employees that provide them with information on how to live well, exercise as much as they need, and eat a balanced diet.

The amount of support and education you can offer will depend largely on the size of your business. However, it’s worth considering how you can support your team and what initiatives you can provide. You don’t have to organize this benefit in-house. There are plenty of third-party operators you can contract to offer it. The more research you do, the more likely you are to find a system that works for you.

Focus on Mental Well-Being

While physical wellness is important, it would be a mistake to overlook mental health. More than half of USA employees experienced burnout this year, according to a study from Indeed. With stress levels and workloads always on the rise, taking care of your employees’ mental health is vital. While you need your team to be productive, take the time to consider how to alleviate some of the pressure they are under.

You can do this in a couple of ways. For instance, you may find that it’s useful to have a well-being officer within your business. This professional folds into the HR team and offers support to any of the staff members who may need it. When an employee has an issue—mental or otherwise—they can report to this professional and share their experiences with them. Additionally, you may want to look at your policies on mental health, including how you offer sick days and the benefits you provide for your team.

Strengthen Bonds with the Community

Building strong social bonds—especially with the wider community—can help to improve people’s mental and physical health. This approach has the added bonus of solidifying your position within the local community and helping those who need it the most. At MAKO Medical Laboratories, we encourage all of our team members to immerse themselves in projects and programs that support residents in the area. Many of these are highly active pursuits and allow the team members to enhance their own levels of physical fitness.

Whatever your business offers, there are certainly ways you can reach out to the community. You may want to start hosting charitable events that raise funds for causes. On the other hand, if your business offers a service or product that could be of use to the community, there may be ways to harness that power. For instance, the team MAKO Medical Laboratories has previously offered free PCR testing and COVID-19 vaccines to organizations and individuals within the wider area. Decide what works for your business.

Help Out with the Cost of Medications

The average American spends $1200 on prescription drugs every year, according to a report from Bloomberg. Not only is the cost of medication high, but it can put stress on the shoulders of your staff members. One way you can support your team’s wellness is by helping them with this financial burden. You may offer to cover some of the costs via your health benefit or even subsidize the cost in some other way. Ensuring that your staff has access to the medication that they need when they need it could make a huge difference.

Additionally, you may find third-party companies you can use for this service. Do some research into the local companies in your area and see what works for your business. Making sure that you have a proper policy in place ahead of time means that your team members will never need to worry about this aspect of their health. For that reason, it’s worth taking the time to consider the approach you can take here.

The Takeaway!

Prioritizing staff wellness is a business-savvy move. When you have a healthy team, you can be sure that your business will thrive and grow. While we’ve covered some of the initial steps you may take, there’s a myriad of ways to offer your staff members the support that they need. You may start with these examples and then delve deeper into the initiatives you can embark upon within your business.

About MAKO Medical Laboratories

Supported by an expert team of nationally recognized doctors and PhDs, MAKO Medical Laboratories specializes in methodology development and pathological services. The game-changing testing company and labs prioritize patients by offering transparency.

Started in 2014 by Chad Price, Adam Price, and Josh Arant, it aims to disrupt the sector. Additionally, MAKO Medical offers support to veterans. The company combines a wealth of new technology including robotics, app platforms, and cloud-based tech. In response to the pandemic, the laboratories have adapted their services to offer accurate testing.

Chad Price is the CEO of MAKO Medical Laboratories. He has had a long entrepreneurial career previously co-founding BrideGenie and founding Element Services Group Mechanical LLC. He has played a major role in starting Cary Reconstruction and is a board member for Trill A.I. Moreover, he currently offers tailored consulting services to companies embarking on new mergers or primed for growth.


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